Sunday, 19 November 2017

MOON - Subaru Solitude Standing v08c84-85

The First Hints

of the final arc are showing up in these next two chapters. Subaru has finished her dance and the competition is coming to an end.

Have a lot of fun!

Friday, 22 September 2017

MOON - Subaru Solitude Standing v08c82-83

The next two Chapters

are ready and you can now watch Subaru's dance going on.


Saturday, 26 August 2017

MOON - Subaru Solitude Standing v08c80-81

Another Double-Release!

After I went hiking in the Elbsandsteingebirge in Saxony, Germany I came back refreshed and finished this two chapters for you in no time - and Subaru is finally dancing again.


Saturday, 22 July 2017

MOON - Subaru Solitude Standing v08c78-79

Double Release!

Today we have two new chapters from MOON for you: what will Subaru do after she saw Hsu Minmin dance her Butterfly? See for yourself and have a lot of fun.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

MOON - Subaru Solitude Standing v08c77

Hello everyone!

Here is the first chapter of Volume 8 of MOON. After Hsu Minmin finished her dance it's now Subaru's turn. What will she show us - wait and see! But before that, there are some preparations for her to make and someone to meet.


Friday, 2 June 2017

Love, Hate, Love. Turn 2

Here it is, our next regular release!

The second chapter of 'Love, Hate, Love.' by Yamashita Tomoko. Enjoy.

P.S.: Since Nyaa-Torrent went down, some of the old torrents for MOON aren't working anymore. I won't update them to the new Nyaa, because I'm working on v2-versions anyway. Please bear with it and use the direct download links.

Sunday, 28 May 2017

MOON v07 batch

Here we are again,

with some news for you. First of all, we are going on - I took a brake on this project the last couple of months but now we start again. First with a batch for volume 7. I made some minor changes to create a final version and bundled everything. Be aware that c71 only got a (v2) in the English version.

Next will be the second chapter of 'Love.Hate.Love', it's almost finished and than we will start releasing volume 8 from MOON.

Sorry for the delay, but that's how it is.

Have a nice day, the weather is fine and spring is in full bloom...